Decoded this says "living dead" and can be found in other levels.
When translated this says "Possible position of the Uup?" Uup is the symbol of element 115. The image is blurry, if someone has a high res image of the map I might be able to figure out the location.
When translated these pictures could possibly say "nelw". But it is hard to say as some of the writing looks to be cut off. If anyone has the mod to get outside the map and could be a better picture of this it would be helpful.
I wasn't able to find any significance to "nelw", however when read backwards reads "wlen" which is a small town near Breslau. The location of this map is given as "near Breslau".
I'm not sold that this is the meaning of the writing.. but its the best I got so far.
When translated this picture says "The bees of Ludwigsdorf disappeared." At first I thought Ludwigsdorf might mean the place (appearently located in lower Austria), but now I think it could be full first name of Dr. Maxis. Someone else on the fourm posted a screen shot of a name tag that said Ludwig Maxis. If someone could get a better screenshot of the pictures below the writing it would be appreciated.
Could someone please post high res pictures of the writing in..
Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:21 am by Mokko